Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Review of the Cove and Sente Park (Whale war)

  1. How did the show justify that whaling and dolphin slaughtering are wrong ?

Firstly, Dolphin is such a friendly and beautiful animal. they are quite helpful in showing to the way back home when the we get lost in ocean. Therefore, there is completely wrong to kill dolphin. Similarly, we kill our pets, slaughtering dolphin can be seen a disgustingly inhuman action.

Secondly, Dolphin is an intelligent animal. Human kill the pig for food because they are not smart, they can not feel anything except pain. there is a different story about the dolphin, they can feel hurt when we kill them because they though we are their friend. In addition, there is quiet wasted when the number of intelligent animal decrease due to this foolish actions. These animal can help human do a lot of thing.

Thirdly, Dolphin is innocent and did not deserve such treatment. they did nothing harm to human and environment. So what is the reason for killing them.

Next, as we know that selling a live dolphin can earn up to more $1000 each. People can earn a lot of profit by doing this business. Thus, killing them is also wrong. Japan is a developed country, i believe that their people are not that stupid of refusing a way to earn money. there should be some reasons behind this

Moreover, killing Dolphin for food is not a good reason to explain Japaneses' actions. As we know that dolphin meat is contain a big amount mercury which is very harmful for people if they eat. I believe that Japanese do not take dolphin meat in their food consumption. Hence, one again killing dolphin is wrong.

In order to keep a good relationship with foreign countries, killing dolphin action is a big challenge for Japan to do so. This action will make whole of the world have a bad feeling forward Japan, so Japan will be isolated by whole of the world. Therefore, killing dolphin is wrong.

Normally, any wrong actions are hidden carefully from the public. there are many Japanese do not know about killing dolphin occurring in their country. It shows that killing action is wrong.

What are the reasons (as raised in the film) behind the Japaneses' whaling and dolphin slaughtering?

There are two reasons which are mentioned in the film.

First reason is that the Japanese blame on dolphin have taken so much fish in the ocean, it may affect the cycle of food chains. i think this reason is a stupid one because there are many other also take fish in their food consumption. if people want to increase number of fish , they should kill equally any kind of animal who eat fish, not only dolphin and whaling. In addition, killing whaling and dolphin at this rate will lead to extinct of them. So the purpose of balancing ecologic is not there anymore. I believe that this reason is a fake one, Japan do not have any good explanation for this action

Second reason is Japan culture. i know this hard for us to accept this reason but some how we have to believe it because being a culture, we can not do anything, we have to respect their own culture or history as well. However, honestly i do not think this action is their culture. If this action is a part of their culture, there should be a festival, or some party to celebrate this even. Everyone have to gather and cheer this history even. However, there is nothing taken place. No festival, no one come to celebrate, only some fisherman come and kill all the dolphin and whaling. I am wondering what the real reason for they to do so.

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