Wednesday, July 13, 2011


  1. What are the problem faced in responding to the disaster?

Tsunami has caused a big number of death bodies and missing people. it dues to people do not have enough knowledge of Tsunami disaster. Before this disaster occurs, there are always some signs which people can easily realise there are something bad is going to happen. for example, animals (birds) run in chaos and fright. the seawater draws backward to the sea, people can see clearly the sea base. That are some signs which people can apply for predicting the Tsunami. Because of low education of disaster and slow respond, there are so many people are missing and died.

Thai government do not have any disaster preparation plan, although they know that Tsunami may occur in this location at any time. There are lack of volunteer. when the thing happen, injured people are not helped. In addition, there is only one way to get in and out of this location, therefor, the chance of escape this disaster is very narrow. Not only Thai government but America government also become helpless with this disaster. American boy injured his leg, but he is not allowed to leave Thai at the appropriate time for his leg secure. Those who lost their children, the government also ignore.

Sadly, almost missing people cant not be found. Because their death bodies are burn because of the Buddhism religion. a part of religion, this action also the government's decision in solving dead bodies and environment pollution. Moreover, the phone line as lo broke down hence information is stuck within this location.

After this disaster, foreigner have changed their view of the country because of lack responsibility from government. it will affect badly to tourism industry which
is playing important role in Thai Land's economics. It is a main reason for that the reporter is not allowed to take any photo of this location.

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