Tuesday, June 28, 2011

why study GEO

For people who are interested in knowing about hot current issues such as climate
change, migration, environmental degradation and social cohesion, the word "Geography" can satisfy their ambition. GEO can provide a general knowledge toward the latest even happened around the world. Most information from GEO is accurate so that we do not need to worry about the knowledge we gain from this subject.

In the other hand, if we did not study GEO, we would not be well-positioned to comprehend and explain global political issues that occur between countries, cultures, cities and their hinterlands, and between regions within countries. Understanding this matter, it is very useful information for those who want to set up some business in outside of their country or region. In the other word, we can know about the different culture or have a good view of the landscapes without travelling to their. Everything is written in textbook.

Studying GEO can secure many lives from disaster. Before disaster take place, there are always some sigh to inform us. for example, some material change their nature ( water in the river become more acidic due to increase sulphur in river) when the volcano active. However, the time of recognition is close to the time of disaster occur, it is still enough to evacuate people at that region.

GEO is combined subject. we can find many skill of other subjects in GEO such as math in calculate the distance in map and in real world. In turn, GEO also provide some general knowledge which can be use wisely in some subject such as English, we can use information from GEO to do our essay about environment.

GEO helps understand the geography of past times and geography has played important roles in the evolution of people, their ideas, places and environments. therefor, misunderstanding between countries will be minimized, the unexpected war will not happen.

By studying GEO, we appreciate Earth as the homeland of humankind and provide insight for wise management decisions about how the planet’s resources should be used. To understand how horrible human activities affect to the planet and from there we have a better solution to protect and secure our earth.

Wanting to be a successful businessman, one again GEO have been playing an important role in understanding global interdependence and helping us become a better global citizen. Be aware of the changing market around the world, business can avoid a lot of risk.


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